lundi, décembre 30, 2024

First presentation of the « Transition Through Innovation » report to day in New Delhi.

First presentation of the « Transition Through  Innovation » report to day in New Delhi. This report prepared by OLT & CVA for R20 has been presented today to Mr Ban Ki-moon, UN General Secretary, Mr Laurent Fabius, French Minister of Foreign Affairs and President of the COP 21 and to the chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Mr Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, by governor Arnold Schwarzenegger founder of the R20 and Michelle Sabban, President of the R20 on February 5th, 2015.

In this report we demonstrate that:

1. Greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced at a lower cost than anticipated by most

2. This can be achieved if we implement policies favorable to Affordable  Green Innovations (AGIs), which are solutions – today underdeveloped – that reduce GHG emissions at a very low cost

3. The analysis contained in this report, including the study of the main roadblocks faced by AGIs from a diverse panel of companies, confirms that this is both theoretically and practically possible

This report contains a large set of new and pragmatic ideas to lower climate  transition costs and stimulate innovation.

A new presentation of this report will be scheduled in Paris before the end of the month.

Report & summary available here:

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À propos

Dédié à l'analyse des questions économiques, sociales et environnementales de long terme, L'Observatoire du Long Terme se fixe pour objectif de donner davantage de visibilité à ces enjeux dans le débat public. Dans ce contexte, il donne la parole à des contributeurs variés, avec pour seul critère le caractère étayé des arguments présentés.

L'Observatoire est indépendant, ne reçoit aucune aide financière et repose sur le volontariat de ses contributeurs, de son bureau, présidé par Vincent Champain et Bruno Fuchs.

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